This is the specific amount of water you should take at each stage of your life.
Water is indispensable for tissues and organs in our body.
The water carries nutrients to each cell and helps blood circulation, your breathing process and digestion.
The water regulates body temperature.
And it facilitates the excretion process through urine, feces, and sweat.
When you don’t drink enough water, it’s unavoidable to have headaches, muscle discomfort, cramps, and exhaustion.
The dehydration also causes dizziness, nausea, and mood swings.
If dehydration progresses and becomes chronic, the discomfort results in tachycardia, loss of appetite, and blurry vision.
Chronic dehydration can lead to early diseases too.
Therefore, it’s vital to give your body clean and pure water that helps you with your vitality.
What is the ideal amount of water you should drink per day?
You probably have heard that the ideal amount of water is 2.5l per day.
But, this is not always the case.
The amount of water varies according to the physical condition and specific needs in every stage of life.
And we are going to reveal this information today.
So, are you ready to take notes and hydrate yourself?
We hope you are.
The first stage of life of every human being begins during pregnancy.
In this stage, the water becomes the essential element that helps the woman to give birth to a new being.
Because a baby’s growth requires a considerable amount of water to keep a balance in the volume of amniotic fluid
According to the Water and Health Research Institute of Madrid, the recommendation is 2.3l of water daily during the first three months of pregnancy.
After the first two months, pregnant women should drink 2.5 to 3 liters of water to avoid swelling and fluid retention.
During breastfeeding, the amount of water you need to drink is 3L per day to produce 600 ml of breast milk daily.
When babies are born, they get fed exclusively of breast milk. They don’t need water as part of their nutrition because they receive the nutrients from their mother.
However, if there are illnesses such as diarrhea, fever, or some other, the water intake must be at least 56 ml.
When the babies are six months old, they start to eat solid food, and the water becomes the best ally in every bite to prevent choking.
From 6 to 12 months old, the amount of water suggested is 800/1000 ml daily. And from 1 to 2 years old, the water consumption increases to 1100/1200 ml daily.
When a kid turns 2–3 years old, the water consumption reaches 1300 ml daily.
According to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), when the kids turn 4 to 8 years, they need to drink 1.6l of water per day.
From 9 to 13 years, the amount of water indicated by the IMSS varies in boys and girls. The girls need to drink 1.9l daily, and the boys need 2.1l.
From the age 14 to adulthood women need 2l daily, and men 2.5l.
This changes when we’re starting to get old because the water intake decreases to 1.5 to 2l.
It happens because the water percentage of our body changes as we grow old.
For example, a newborn percentage of water is 78%, while at the age of 1 year old, this percentage declines to 65%.
And the water percentage in the adult body is 50–75%.
And when we are getting old, this percentage reduces to 50% in women and 60% in men because the body mass and the tissues have higher body fat.
An important fact you need to consider is that:
If you work out or have an activity that requires physical work, your body will need a higher amount of water.
So this is our suggestion:
To recover electrolytes lost, hydrate yourself before working out (at least 300 ml).
During the exercise, drink 200 ml every 15 minutes, and when you finish, drink 300 ml of water, plus the amount of water recommended according to your age and gender.
Listen to your body, and give him pure water.
Now, you know how much water you should drink every day.
Keep in mind that hydration is a vital matter.
Take care of your health,
And we care about your water.
See you next week.