The Importance of Water for Illness Prevention

4 min readFeb 14, 2023


Handing glass of water to person, cover with white sheets.

When we think about diseases, it is something that no one would like to experience. And although the culture of prevention is still growing in Mexico, it is essential to promote it more.

There are different ways to prevent diseases, such as exercise, stress reduction, meditation, check-ups, and balanced nutrition, but above all, you must consider hydrating yourself for disease prevention.

Water is the fuel for this engine that is our body. And if you ask yourself:

Why is water important for life?

We could live without eating for a month, but we could not survive for more than a few days without hydration because water is a fundamental key to all processes.

  • Transport nutrients and remove toxins.
  • Body temperature regulation.
  • Facilitates digestion by diluting the nutrients.
  • Improves kidney function
  • Prevents constipation
  • Improves metabolism
  • Alkalinizes your blood, thus reducing acidity.

But we will tell you more about what happens when you do not consume enough water and how it impacts your body below:

Cardiovascular System

Doctor measuring blood pressure to their patient.

Water deficiency in the cardiovascular system also brings several consequences, like hypertension, and cardiac fibrosis, among other diseases.

Therefore, you should stay hydrated when exercising, in high temperatures, etc.

About hypertension…

Water retention is related to high blood pressure, and when it happens, some doctors immediately recommend diuretics. The mistake here is to think that the pressure is high because of fluid retention, and the actual reason the body retains water is that it has a shortage of it.

Here’s how:

When you are dehydrated, the body closes all water outlets and retains the water.

Therefore, an effective way to lower blood pressure is to drink enough water so that the body can eliminate everything toxic. That way you will be hydrated and without fluid retention.

Can you believe it?

When your legs have swollen, the reason for this is that you do not drink enough water.

Your body retains it because your body is dehydrated. On the other hand, if you hydrate your body, it will release that retained water that it no longer needs and cleanses the body with a new one.

Kidneys and the urinary tract

10% of the western population suffers from kidney stones due to low water consumption.

And while it is true that other factors cause this damage, like pH alteration, and genetics, among other factors. It is a fact that what aggravates these diseases is low water intake.

When you drink the right amount of water, it prevents urinary tract infections because water cleans the organs.

Cognitive Functions

Women with headache watching her computer.

To prevent cognitive diseases, you need to drink the ideal amount of water for each age, since the brain contains a large amount of water (approximately 75%).

These include attention, memory, learning, and executive functions, including an emotional attitude.

When dehydration reaches more than 2% there are reduced coordination functions, diminished short-term memory, and a reduced attention span.

As for mood, when you ingest less water, it is associated with dissatisfaction and mood swings.

Sexual Potency

Woman looking at the window, while guy sitting on the bed touching his head.

In men, their level of hydration is related to having an erection. Because the penis is a hydraulic system filled with blood, and blood is 98% water.

In women, insufficient hydration is one of the causes of vaginal dryness.


To eliminate premature wrinkles or to prevent them. It also helps to keep the skin hydrated so that it can continue protecting you from external factors such as pollution, the sun, makeup, etc.

Digestive System

Woman sitting on a sofa touching her stomach.

Drinking enough water avoids constipation and thus eliminates toxins and wastes you don’t need.

And keep you at your ideal weight.

It also helps in cases of heartburn since when it occurs, in addition to other causes, it is because the body is dehydrated.

When you drink the ideal amount of water, you will be urinating, and that urine has an acidic pH. This is why it is said that drinking water eliminates acidity.

On the other hand, water consumption can prevent hyperglycemia, when you drink water, plasma glucose levels are lowered, and glycemic control is improved.

Respiratory System

In the respiratory system, water plays an elemental role in hydrating the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, preparing the air for oxygen to pass into our bodies.

Without adequate humidity, oxygen entering the lungs would not be able to pass into the blood.

There you have it. If you are looking for disease prevention, the solution is within reach of your kitchen by drinking enough natural, pure, and freshwater to keep your body in an optimal state and full of vitality.

Are you already hydrating yourself?




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Written by Alxedo

We are a cleantech company with a mission to create the world’s first digital water ecosystem. See our work:

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