Having drinking water in your office is fundamental, saving costs to obtain it even more. Although after the pandemic, more offices work in a hybrid way between the home office and the office, on average only 22.3% of the jobs in Mexico can be done at home, which means most people spend more time in the office.
It implies that in the office, there should exist an unlimited source of drinking water that allows covering the worker’s needs, and at the same time, it helps the company.
Reducing costs in drinking water start by having efficient strategic planning of resources and exploring ways in which the consumption can be more cost-efficient.
How do we start?
Start evaluating how many people are in the office, considering that the average people consumption is 1.5L, including drinking water, coffee, tea, or another beverage.
And it’s time to say goodbye to habits such as the consumption of bottled water because they cause plastic waste and are an unnecessary expense for the company. For example, a company with 50 employees spends $11,845.00 monthly, consuming approximately 1,500 bottles.
Have you considered this before?
It could seem like a small expense, and although it is vital to drink water, there are other alternatives. Maybe the first thought that came to your mind was: “But I buy jugs of water, so It’s cheaper than bottled water”.
The reality is very different, considering the same characteristics of the company with 50 employees who drink 1.5L per person, the expense is relatively less, but it’s still impacting the company resources. It would be $3,375.00 monthly for the consumption of approximately 75 jugs of 20L.
And we are not considering the consumption of time and energy that takes their transportation and the supply.
The water we drink is life, and the way you supply the water at your office is vital. Therefore, you need to look for ways to do this smartly, that help your business. Because there’s another expense, you may not consider it when you have the other options.
What are we talking about?
We are talking about your customers and guest who arrive at your business, and who are offered something to drink, it could also seem a small expense, but it has an impact on the company’s finances.
The option is not to tell your workers to drink less water or bring their water from home because it would be absurd, not practical and it wouldn’t solve the root issue.
But what other options do you have?
The real challenge is to find another drinking water source that can be more practical when it comes to the installation, serving water, efficiency, transparency about the quality of your water, and, of course, a significant cost reduction for your business. And that its freshness, also causes you to crave it every time.
It’s true, there are several options in the market to support you in changing the habitat of providing bottled water or jugs to your employees and colleagues. For finding out which one would suit your company the best, you can find more information in our blog post 5 Things to Consider Before Buying a Water Purifier.
You should consider finding one that is functional for your business, with smart technology that eases your life, and ensures your peace of mind because you have the certainty of excellent water quality. It should be a quality that you experience in every drop of water you are savoring. And the best relief is you are saving expenses and improving your environmental impact…
Do you want to know how? Reach out to us. In Alxedo, we care about you, we care about your water.
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