How is Alxedo part of the circular economy?

4 min readAug 9, 2023


A guy resting among a huge amount of waste.

First, if you didn’t already know the term circular economy, it refers to a more sustainable form of consumption in which the life cycles of raw materials can last longer.

Although it seems that the term is new due to the growing problem of global warming, this was already a practice carried out by our ancestors. Perhaps not with the same term that we know now, but taking care of the environment.

Grandfather and his granddaughter picking up strawberries with care.

Pre-Hispanic times

During pre-Hispanic times, communities had a close relationship with the environment without forcing it.

Agriculture was the basis of the economy and was related to the balance of the elements, such as the sky, because from it came the rain, the sun, the moon, and the stars, which followed cycles organically.

As a result, there was no overexploitation of resources, achieving harmony with the entire environment, which, although not 100%, listened more closely to the planet Earth.

But what is the main issue today?

There are other factors, but the one that is affecting in a massive way is consumerism.

Consumerism is the excessive use of resources, which leads to the overexploitation of soil, water, and air, among other natural resources, causing them to be depleted at an abnormal speed.

There are production models that, even in the era we live, don’t realize how essential it is to take care of the environment and focus only on reducing their production costs.

That’s why the current population is facing a problem that concerns us all, and we must stop, starting with our consumption habits.

Yellow truck picking up tons of waste

Consumption habits

Every decision we make about the products and services we use, causes an impact on the planet. Some of them are:

1. Fast Fashion:

The mass production of disposable clothing is creating a cycle in which the life span of clothing is reduced, because of its poor quality, making it easily replaced.

And, although this process seems simple, what is behind it is what is causing major environmental issues, because the clothes end up in oceans, their dyes are pollutants, and clothing does not degrade easily.

In addition, the amount of water used to make it, only a synthetic T-shirt uses 1000 liters of water, could you imagine? And this, like other garments, will only end up in the garbage after a few wears.

The solution is to educate ourselves about this type of products to choose other higher quality products that last longer, resulting in less waste. And although they may not seem the most economical at first, in the long run they are.

E-waste or electronic waste:

According to the United Nations Environment Program, every year, 50 million tons of e-waste are generated.

With residues of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, lead, chromium, arsenic, or antimony, they can cause damage to health and the environment.

Although this situation is not widespread, initiatives have already been created to collect and recycle this waste, although there is still a long way to go.

Plastic bottles

We are talking about drinking water bottles and single-use plastic. And, although they are recycled, it is not enough for the amount of plastic bottles discarded each day.

Millions of plastic bottles per minute are being sold worldwide. The solution to this problem starts with making better choices.

Two persons carrying two Fizz bottles.

This is where Alxedo comes in, because we realize that by getting to the root of the problem, we can make a change and ultimately cause a positive impact on planet Earth.

At Alxedo, we reduce the consumption of single-use plastics, first with our water purifier, ALX1, to taste pure and fresh water, and also with ALXfizz, our water gasifier, to have sparkling water whenever you want it.

With both solutions, we reduce single-use plastics because we reuse the same container instead of throwing it away every time we consume pure or carbonated water, thus being part of the circular economy.

With you, we are part of the change.

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Written by Alxedo

We are a cleantech company with a mission to create the world’s first digital water ecosystem. See our work:

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