Last time we talked about microplastics, now it is the turn to talk about how to get rid of them from your daily life. Did you know that they can be found in 83% of tap water and 90% of bottled water? This means it’s certain that they are in the water and also in the food you’re consuming.
That’s why it’s essential to understand which are your hydration sources. Sadly, even if you are already avoiding bottled water and use a filter for the tap water, a lot of water filters still allow microplastic to go through and remain in the supposedly filtered water, ending up in your body.
Studies have shown microplastics exposure causes damage, inflammation, allergic reaction and cell death in human cells, and even if more research is needed, consuming plastic is not natural or healthy for your well-being.
But did you know that there is a water purification technology guaranteeing you to get rid of them? It is the Reverse Osmosis and we’re going to tell you all about it.
Because when you’re looking for a way to reduce microplastics at home, you can start by choosing a water solution that provides the best hydration and nourishment for you and your family. There are several options in the market, but you need to be careful which is the best choice regarding quality and technology.
If you have been looking for a water purifier you surely have seen the word “Reverse Osmosis”, but what does it mean? …
What is Reverse Osmosis?
It’s a process that uses a membrane under pressure to separate pure water, from a less pure water or solution.
Well, That’s the definition, but what makes this process so unique? It can remove suspended solids, dissolved matters, salts, heavy metals such as arsenic, organic matter like bacteria, viruses, and microplastics.
The latter could be something you could assume all the water purifiers get rid of, but that is not necessarily true, some alternatives only get rid of sediments and heavy metals in the water, and forget all the other particles, microplastics included.
Therefore, when you acquire a water purifier, you must check their qualifications first.
So, how does reverse osmosis work in water purifiers?
We describe to you the process:
1. Pre-Filtration: the water goes through a sediment prefilter that removes larger particles such as dust, dirt, and larger sediment. Then flow through an activated carbon prefilter that eliminates chlorine and organic compounds in your water.
This step uses a carbon filter, so the big particles remain here and do not get the following membrane blocked.
2. Reverse Osmosis membrane:
During this step, the water goes through the semipermeable membrane under pressure. Reverse osmosis membrane allows the passage of water molecules, but not others like sodium, organic matter, microplastics, etc.
How is this possible?
Due reverse osmosis membrane has a pore size of < 1 nm which makes the process reliable because it removes up to 99 % of all the inorganic material. And, at the same time, because of the pore size of the membrane, pressure is required (10–70 bar) to complete the process.
3. Final step
The water moves on through another carbon filter, which removes any undesirable particles that are still there, improving odor and taste of the water, so you can start drinking purified water.
What are the benefits of reverse osmosis?
-High-quality water
- Studies have shown reverse osmosis is also effective for removing pesticides.
-Eco-friendly, because it uses less energy than other methods, reducing the carbon footprint and helping the environment.
-Gets rid of microplastics in your water.
-Reduce plastic consumption
-Removes calcium that contributes to hard water.
-Effective removal of virus and bacteria
-Cost savings
-Improves the taste of your water
As you can see, only by choosing a water purifier instead of bottled water and other non-effective filters you get rid of the microplastics at home.
But you may be wondering why other filters aren’t effective?
Because they only use activated carbon which means the sizes of their membrane range between 0.84 to 0.29 mm, some of the bests are 5 micrometers, it’s still not good enough, considering the size of the bacteria is between 0.2 and 2 micrometers, virus range in size from 20 to 400 nanometers in diameter and microplastic size range is 50 micrometers to 5 mm.
So, if you want to accomplish a healthier lifestyle choose an alternative that takes care of you and the planet. Want to know more about it?
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-Science Direct
-Forbes magazine