We have been talking about sustainability.
And according to the United Nations Brundtland Commission in 1987 means:
“Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
The United Nations Brundtland Commission defined this concept in 1987.
Have you wondered what it means for a child?
Why are sustainable actions critical for the future?
The truth is we all are responsible for our environment and how we have been managing ourselves towards him, even if we don’t realize it.
Day after day, we use natural resources in some way or another.
For example, products that cause environmental impacts as well as their production.
It’s essential to take a moment, reflect on this matter and stop taking for granted our natural resources because they are not unlimited.
They can disappear, and it’s up to us to do something about it.
We are currently consuming the resources of almost 2 planets (1.7 planets).
That is what is happening with the water, we know it is vital for our well-being, natural ecosystems, living beings, and our development, but we all carry a water footprint on our shoulders.
It’s crucial to become aware of this as soon as possible!
But, What is a water footprint?
It is an indicator that shows the extent of water we use due to our consumption habits.
And it is necessary because 70% of our planet is a compound of water, and we only have less than 1% for human consumption.
Are you wondering what happens with the rest of the water on the planet? The answer is that from the 70%, 97.5% is salty water, and only 2.5% is sweet water.
And from this 2.5% is sweet water, 70 % is glaciers, snow, or ice and 30% is groundwater.
It means only 0.025% of water is available for human consumption.
Not enough! And still, it is wasted, inefficient consumption habits or products with a larger water footprint are purchased.
What does this mean?
Behind products and services, we consume virtual water, which means the amount of water needed to produce them.
This includes fast fashion clothing, which every time has more followers; buying imported products; drinking water bottles, etc.
Globally, Mexico’s average water footprint is 1,978 cubic meters per person per year.
To raise awareness about the impact of the water footprint that we all have, Alxedo’s team visited the fourth and fifth-grade students of the Rootland School in Mexico City.
We talked about the virtual water used in their everyday school items, like notebooks, pens, geometry sets, etc.
The students calculated the water footprint of the product they use.
They discovered they needed 10 liters of water to produce one paper sheet and 91 liters to produce 500 g of plastic.
They had so much fun! And they received an Alxedo thermal bottle they can take everywhere, paint, and let their imagination and creativity run wild.
The kids enjoyed every second while they learned, and we also learned a lot from them.
Above all, we were able to reaffirm their knowledge about environmental care. They are very young but understand the importance of caring for our only home.
The best part is that kids share their enthusiasm and environmental knowledge with their parents, transforming this experience into a ripple effect against the indifference and inaction that adults sometimes have.
Yes, children can teach us a lot about sustainability, and undoubtelly, they are agents of change that want to create the best future.
Therefore, we ask you to act as these kids did, with respect and care.